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Welcome to Knoxville Heritage
Our goal with this site is to provide a focused retrospective of the history of Knoxville for those who grew up in a less hectic time in East Tennessee. As the weeks roll by, we will add other segments to what we hope will be an interactive, dynamic, and magnetic gathering place for people who have this common interest.
A complete focus on the past is unhealthy. However, a reflection on the past can bring perspective with which we can live more fully in the present while contemplating the future. We hope you enjoy reflecting on the past through Knoxville Heritage.
High School Yearbooks Digital yearbooks that can be flipped through just like you would flip through the real thing. |
Youth Sports Photos |
High School Newspapers “The Blue and White” from Knoxville High School, and “The Blue and Gray” from East High School. |
Blog Articles |
High School Reunion Photos Reunion photos we’ve collected portraying the “matured” graduates over the years. |
Knoxville Related Links |
Scrapbooks & Misc. Memorabilia Here we’ve included miscellaneous memorabilia and photos. Please email us if you have others. |
Old vs. New Knoxville Photos |
Grammar School Photos Grammar school class photos from Park Lowry, Fair Garden, and Chilhowee Grammar Schools. |
Knoxville Heritage in the News |
We hope you enjoy what you see here. If you like it….tell us and others…as many as you can. Send our site address to your e-mail list. If you have constructive criticism….let us hear from you. We would love to have you join our mailing list below so we can keep you updated on new content and added areas of interest. Please help us gather more material to fill in our missing pieces.
J. Ross Greene, Founder & Editor
EHS Class of 1958